Club Resources is a leading club consulting firm specializing in strategic planning, membership input, membership marketing, club governance and asset management of private clubs. Since 1990, Club Resources has assisted hundreds of clubs and their Boards of Directors, Planning & Membership Committees, Owners/Developers and Management.
Over the past 25 years we have spoken with thousands of members in focus groups and town hall meetings, tabulated survey responses from thousands of members and provided recommendations for every aspect of club operations.
We have conducted feasibility studies and provided concept planning for numerous new club developments, sold thousands of memberships, trained dozens of Membership Directors, and developed comprehensive Strategic Plans for dozens of clubs. Additionally, we authored the leading industry texts; The Guide to Membership Marketing, and Standards of Operation and Performance for Private Clubs...the leading text on the subject licensed to the Club Managers Association of America.
At Club Resources we emphasize hands-on, client-oriented consulting services, based on integrity, accuracy and professionalism. Our comprehensive approach ensures accountability through the direct and exclusive involvement of our principals, each with over 25 years of executive-level club experience, in each and every project we undertake.
Whether your club is about to embark on a strategic planning process, a new capital or facilities master plan, or is in need of a significant change in its ability to attract new members, Club Resources will visit your club for a comprehensive Discovery Visit to get you headed in the right direction, followed by a complete report.
We only ask for our travel to be reimbursed.