Facilities and Services Audits

Experience has taught that this erosion comes about gradually, with both the board and management unable to recognize it. Usually, it takes a set of “fresh eyes” to resolve this. With this in mind, Club Resources is pleased to offer a new service to put an end to the phenomenon: the Service and Facilities Audit.
Our Service and Facilities Audit is designed to provide detailed, objective feedback from experienced evaluators that have already served the client demographic. We customize each evaluation criteria to meet the goals and expectations you have established for your members. The service:
Provides a measurement of how well the staff meets the member’s needs. We objectively comment on staff interaction and contact with the members. This interaction must be positive for both the staff and the member to assure a strong environment for the club.
Allows for anonymous, reliable reporting and measurement through various methods including telephone, in-person, and checklist questioning.
Reports and evaluates on all desired member service activities. Report results may highlight the positive areas or identify other areas where immediate action is required to raise service standards or improve processes. This will help define employee training needs.
Offers a constructive tool for management and the board to create standards for facility operations. The detailed checklist will provide specific comments on certain areas. Special awareness will be given to provide extra value to the club by adding featured signature services that are meant to exceed member expectations.
We will tour your property under the guise of a new member or visiting guest and experience any and all services your club offers: From golf to fitness and spa services, overnight rooms to food and beverage outlets. We then communicate results back to you in an accurate, comprehensive, and timely manner; candidly describing the quality of the experience with suggestions for improvement. We follow a carefully thought out, and specifically applied process to assure all aspects of each department are thoroughly analyzed to assure current and prospective members have the very best experience each time they use your club.